My second week of food freedom was rough. When I decided to vlog this journey I promised myself I would be honest with the internet world. Finding a new rhythm is a struggle, but I understand that new habits take an average of 66 days to create. This means that I shouldn’t be surprised that only 14 days in, I’m finding it difficult. Not all of this week was hard, I had some highlights too, and in all of life, its so beneficial to hold on to the highlights and be diligent in finding joy!

Each week I’ll give you a recap by answering the following questions:

  • What has changed since last week?
  • How do you feel?
  • Highs and lows for the week?
  • Biggest takeaway from Brooke in the Food Freedom 60 course?
  • What did I do well?

Thanks for tuning in to find out how I did! – Lia